Activity Details

Event period: From now until July 24, 2022, a total of 10 weeks

Additional activity rewards: the top 10 users each week can participate in the reward distribution of 1 trillion KNOW. The distribution rules are: 1st place is 300 billion; 2nd-5th place is 100 billion; 6-10 place is 60 billion. The cumulative reward for 10 weeks is 10 trillion KNOW. Statistics are based on the number of submitted and approved knowledge bases.

Content requirements

Please submit as required to avoid being unable to enter the knowledge base because the information does not meet the requirements



We should ensure the accuracy of the content, especially for objective knowledge; for subjective knowledge, provide content with positive value as much as possible.



As a knowledge base, the content we provide should remain as professional as possible to help as many users as possible.


Avoid grammatical and logical errors

Please check as much as possible, when you submitted, there will be no chance of modification (only a new one can be submitted again).


Easy to read

Please try to do your best in typesetting. You can bold some titles or important content. If necessary, you can use different colors and fonts to make it easier for users to read and learn.


The picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent.

Obviously, most users may not like simple text content. Appropriate use of videos and pictures combined with text may be more popular with users.



Each knowledge content does not require comprehensive knowledge. On the contrary, we hope that it can be short and concise, targeting one topic at a time. Don't have too much content. Users aren't used to reading your tirade.

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About us

The blockchain is developing at a high speed, but the threshold of the blockchain is very high. Moreover, there is currently no systematic blockchain resource. I hope we can create a blockchain knowledge graph with users. And give appropriate decentralized financial attributes, mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone to participate in creation and learning, and jointly maintain this knowledge base. Finally, improve the awareness of blockchain users and contribute to the development of the global blockchain industry.